Please see the attached Notice for more information.
The Executive Order to temporarily freeze government funding has been rescinded.
Effective 31 January 2025, the waiting list for Housing Choice Vouchers will be closed at 4:30pm. Please see the Public Notice for more details.
Applications open on 01 November 2024 to flood-effected households. The program opens to all others on 15 November.
Please see our page for more information: Rapid Response Mobile Home Infill Program (MHIP) – Vermont State Housing Authority (
Please read more here.
On 04 June 2024, VSHA received notification from the Vermont Department of Health of recognition in their efforts to provide a healthy environment for their employees. Please see the attached letter here.
VSHA is honored to receive the Governor’s Excellence in Worksite Wellness Silver-level award. We are committed to support our employees’ wellbeing and creating a positive working environment. The annual Worksite Wellness Awards create a standard of excellence for worksite wellness initiatives, and recognizes Vermont employers’ efforts to enhance productivity, bolster a healthy environment, and improve employee wellbeing. VSHA was rated on its support of worksite culture, having a tobacco-free environment, offering physical activities, promoting preventative care and safety, and supporting the emotional wellbeing of employees.
4.1.2024 public notice to open HCV list
Beginning April 1, 2024 at 8 am, Vermont State Housing Authority (VSHA) will be opening its waiting list for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program to receive applications from families qualifying for VSHA’s Disaster and Move-up Preference, as defined below. We continue to accept applications for the Project-Based Voucher (PBV) program.
Disaster Preference: This preference is available to Vermont families displaced from their Vermont home, due to fire, flood, natural disaster, or condemnation by a local, state, or federal agency.
Move-up Preference: This preference is available to families who are currently receiving rental assistance through a time limited program administered by VSHA and in compliance:
• VSHA Continuum of Care Program- Rapid-Rehousing
• VSHA Family Unification Program for Youth in Transition (FUP-Y)
• VSHA Foster Youth to Independence (FYI)
• VSHA Continuum of Care Program- Shelter + Care
Information on how to apply on-line or request a paper application can be found by visiting VSHA’s website at Applications for Section 8 Assistance – Vermont State Housing Authority (
Applications can also be obtained at our office located at One Prospect Street, Montpelier, VT between the hours of 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. Monday – Friday, or by contacting at 888-406-4003.
This Notice is being provided in accordance with VSHA’s Administrative Plan for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, which mandates the Authority to provide public notice when opening its waiting list.
For Additional information call: 802-828-3295 (voice); 800-798-3118(TTY); 800-820-5119(messages)